General News
Foods That Can Damage...
Richview Family Dentistry wants you to know the dangers of some of the foods you eat or drinks you consume as it pertains to your oral health Hard Candy Constant exposure to the sugar in hard candy can be...
The Importance of Oral...
Richview Family Dentistry wants you to know that there are special considerations and precautions to be made for your oral health, especially if you’re over 65 There are several factors that lead to special precautions for adults, especially those...
Best Practices for Whiter...
Richview Family Dentistry has some tips for a whiter and brighter smile Stains: Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Stains Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of the tooth and are caused by tobacco use, beverages such as red wine, tea or...
Best Practices for Healthy...
Richview Family Dentistry wants to remind you of the basics for good oral health Here’s a list of what you should be doing daily to maintain healthy teeth and gums: Brush regularly Brushing twice a day is one of...
Coronavirus Update
Summer 2022 Update: We are allowing patients in the reception area and we are allowing masks to be optional upon entering our office. We are continually monitoring the current covid tracker for our county. Thank you for being...