General News
Dentist important factor in...
The inspiring story of Dr. Charles Thomas received attention in the recent film 42, the story of Jackie Robinson’s journey to play baseball with the Brooklyn Dodgers. In a June 3 ADA news post, the story of Thomas’ friendship...
EFDA training for RFD...
Three of Richview Family Dentistry’s assistants have recently completed their Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) training. Amber Lifsey has been a dental assistant for more than 8 years. The EFDA training confirms for her the importance of her...
Silly Dental Humor: Part...
What does a dentist call his x-rays? Tooth-pics! What did the vampire say after the dentist finished checking his teeth? Fang you very much! Why did the male deer visit the orthodontist? He wanted to get his...
Holiday Flashback!
Richview Family Dentistry is excited to roll out our new website! A significant new feature of the website will be our News blog. Look here for updates about the office, volunteer work, dental news, Invisalign and implant news…and maybe...