General News
Silly Dental Humor: Part...
Q: What game did the dentist play when he was a child? A: Caps and robbers! Q: What does a dentist do on a roller coaster? A: He braces himself! Q: What was the dentist doing in...
Toothy Trivia: Part 2
Jaw muscles can provide about 150 pounds of maximum biting force. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masticatory_force) One in every 2,000 to 3,000 babies is born with a tooth. (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003268.htm) The average human produces at least 25,000 quarts of spit in a...
RFD annual tailgating potluck!
Richview Family Dentistry celebrated the inauguration of football season with our second annual tailgating potluck on Thursday, August 29! Below, the happy crew pose together wearing their favored team’s colors. Then the crew divided along team lines. For the...
Dr. Wall turns the...
On Sunday, August 18, Dr. Wall turned the corner on his sixth decade! To celebrate, the Richview Family Dentistry office staff decked themselves out in UT orange — after all, we know how much Dr. Wall loves UT football! ...
Toothy Trivia: Part 1
Sharks can regrow unlimited sets of teeth. (http://www.npca.org/protecting-our-parks/wildlife_facts/sharks.html) Long in the tooth, meaning old, was originally used to describe horses. As horses age, their gums recede, which gave rise to the practice of looking at a horse’s teeth...