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Cool Truths about the...
Televox shares 10 Cool Truths about the Tooth: << Back to News
Silly Dental Humor: Part...
A boy told his mom, “The dentist says bacon and soda works just as good as toothpaste!” His mom clarified, “That’s baking soda.” When the dentist finally caught up to the gingerbread man, he had some bad news...
Dr. Wall takes on...
Dr. Wall travelled with his wife, Anne, to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, for a three-day course in Advanced Implant Reconstruction Techniques at the Implants Northwest Live Learning Center. The Coeur D’Alene Oral Learning Center shares its mission as: It...
Buy a toothbrush, GoodMouth...
In the post Brush Up, the tech site Netted by the Webbys highlights GoodMouth, a service that ships high quality toothbrushes to your house and donates two for every one you buy. More from Netted: Signing up is simple:...
Silly Dental Humor: Part...
A husband said to his wife, “Darling, your teeth remind me of the stars.” His wife replied, “Because they gleam and sparkle?” The husband said, “No, because they come out at night!” A mother said to her son, “Has your...