General News
Do It Yourself Dentistry?...
Richview Family Dentistry explains the dangers of DIY dental work. We’ve seen the ads on TV and social media about quick and easy, at-home dental work, but the ADA (American Dental Association) suggests that you take a closer look...
Congratulations on 10 Years...
Our employee spotlight shines on Michele! She has been a Registered Dental Hygienist for 19 years, with 10 of those years with Richview Family Dentistry! She and her husband, Matt, have two children, Connor and Victoria. When Michele is...
Wine and Cheese… Good...
Richview Family Dentistry wants to give you the skinny on how having cheese with your wine can protect your teeth While it’s true that wine can be harmful to your teeth, the good news is that having a little...
Little Known Facts About...
You protect your skin from the sun, but what about your teeth? RichviewFamily Dentistry has some tips about caring for your teeth in hot weather. The Pool Brush your teeth after swimming in a chlorinated pool. High chlorine levels...
Are You Brushing for...
Richview Family Dentistry recommends brushing twice a day for 2 minutes for great oral health The American Dental Association says you should be brushing for two minutes twice a day to boost your oral health. Science shows that if...