
Archive for the ‘Volunteer News’ Category

TBT: RFD makes third trip to Guatemala

Posted on: April 30th, 2015 by Richview Family Dentistry
Dr. Wall and Brittney South were joined by Karlee Heflin for the 2015 mission trip to Guatemala. They served with members of Madison Street United Methodist Church (MSUMC) through Volunteers in Mission from February 20th to 27th.  This is the third year that Richview Family Dentistry has volunteered with MSUMC in Guatemala, and the second consecutive year at the Boca Costa Medical Mission in Chocolá, Guatemala.  Continuing their work from last year, much of the group worked on construction of a house for the mission’s doctor and his family. In conjunction with these efforts, Dr. Wall’s wife Anne and several other volunteers created and delivered educational materials to the children in Chocolá on topics like dental health, English language learning, and Bible stories.  Dr. Wall, Brittney, Karlee, and their team worked out of the mission hospital from February 21st to 23rd to provide approximately 300 emergency extractions to patients of all ages.


Karlee and Brittney take on the winding staircase
 karlee & britt


Dr. Wall and Brittney work on a young patient
Doc & Britt


Dr. Wall and the mission doctor, Dr. Castillo
Doc & Sergio


Dr. Wall and his wife Anne, about to head home
Doc & Anne


The volunteers pausing in their work for a group picture


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RFD returns to Guatemala!

Posted on: March 22nd, 2014 by Richview Family Dentistry

Dr. Wall and Brittney South traveled to Guatemala from February 15-22 with Madison Street United Methodist Church through Volunteers in Mission.  This is the second year that a Madison Street group has volunteered in Guatemala, this year with the Boca Costa Medical Mission in Chocolá, Guatemala.  Much of the group worked to construct a house for the mission’s doctor and his family, and Dr. Wall’s wife Anne and several other volunteers created and delivered educational materials to the children in Chocolá on topics like dental health, English language learning, and Bible stories.  Dr. Wall, Brittney, and their team worked out of the mission hospital to provide emergency dental care to about 75 patients of all ages.


Below, several patients wait for their appointment with Dr. Wall and his team.



Dr. Wall and Brittney are hard at work on a patient.



Dr. Wall and the team pose together: at left, Brittney South and Amy Wright; at center, Brittney and Dr. Wall; at right, Dr. Wall and his wife Anne.



The rest of the group works on constructing a house for the doctor’s family.



Local children show off what they’ve made during their educational enrichment group.




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Working with Volunteers in Mission!

Posted on: April 11th, 2013 by Richview Family Dentistry

Dr. Wall traveled to Guatemala from February 16-23 with Madison Street United Methodist Church through Volunteers in Mission.  The Madison Street group is one of 6 Methodist groups that volunteered this year at the La Toma school in Nuahualate, San Antonio, a remote area about an hour east of Mazatenango.  While much of the group worked to construct three additional classrooms for the school, Dr. Wall provided emergency dental care for patients in Nuahualate.  Dr. Wall’s office was in a local church led by Pastor Felix, and the patients were coordinated by the pastor’s wife, Aurora.  Dr. Wall served about 75 patients from February 18-21.


Pastor Felix and his son enjoy a break from the heat.  This image is borrowed from the blog of Vona Wilson, who  went to Nuahualate with Volunteers in Mission in March of this year.


These patients quietly sit in the waiting room for their appointment with Dr. Wall.


The dental office set up in Pastor Felix’s church.


Dr. Wall and one of his assistants, Amy Wright, work on a patient.


Another of Dr. Wall’s assistants, Lacy Wilson, rewards a patient with a new toothbrush.


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