Mr. Bean goes to...
Mr. Bean goes to the dentist as only he can: << Back to News
Abbott & Costello go...
In this sketch, Abbott and Costello make us grateful for the gentle hands and pleasant demeanor at Richview Family Dentistry. << Back to News
Greatest Hits of Dentistry
Now known as Deacon on the hit television show Nashville, Charles Esten frequently appeared as a guest on the comedy improvisation show Whose Line Is It Anyway. In this clip, he and Wayne Brady sing some Greatest Hits about...
TBT: RFD makes third...
Dr. Wall and Brittney South were joined by Karlee Heflin for the 2015 mission trip to Guatemala. They served with members of Madison Street United Methodist Church (MSUMC) through Volunteers in Mission from February 20th to 27th. This is the third year that Richview...
Cavities: Fact and Fiction
The WebMD article “15 Myths and Facts About Cavities” looks at the realities of tooth decay. << Back to News