National Facial Protection Month
In the March 17 post,”National Facial Protection Month in April,” the ADA highlights the importance of gear to protect the face and teeth. From the article:
Every year about 3 million people are treated in emergency departments across the U.S. for facial trauma injuries. Children who participate in contact sports, cheerleading, gymnastics, cycling and other activities are especially at risk for a facial injury. National Facial Protection Month highlight[s] the need for proper supervision and appropriate protective gear…[such as] mouthguards, helmets, protective eyewear and face shields…when children and adults of all ages participate in these activities.
“Spring seems to bring an increase in dental trauma,” said Dr. Paul Nativi, a past president of the Academy for Sports Dentistry. “Skateboards, bicycles, swing sets and other recreational activities along with team sports can contribute to sport-related facial injuries.”
For more information, see the ADA’s March 17 article.